
clinic specializing in laser hair removal in Switzerland

What is laser hair removal?

We use the best lasers available on the hair removal market. Laser hair removal works on all types of skin, including skin that has been burned by UV light or the sun. Lasers can remove hair from all parts of the body: face, legs, underarms, arms, back… They can also be used to treat sensitive areas such as the chest, nipples or bikini area.


Your hair will significantly decrease with each session.

How often ?

For some areas, 3 to 6 sessions are necessary. However, the number of sessions required to achieve optimal and long-lasting results depends on various factors such as the thickness of the hair, the areas to be removed and the hair growth cycle, which vary from one person to another. Some redness will appear after the treatment and will disappear a few hours later.

Esthemedis, a clinic specializing in laser hair removal, is dedicated to helping you fight excess hair, regardless of your skin type, using the latest laser technology. Indeed, the revolutionary treatments offered in our laser hair removal clinic effortlessly eliminate body and facial hair, while preventing regrowth. You can say goodbye to the inconvenience of painful waxing, shaving, and the constant worry of unsightly and unwanted hair. Our laser hair removal experts perform effective and permanent treatments for women and men at the lowest possible cost. Would you like to make an appointment for a consultation with our specialists? Contact our laser clinic now!